Sent by Sarah DeGeorge, PersonalIncome

The business sector has begun to shift from purely male-dominated to having both men and women owning firms. But did you know that women in the United States earn about the same as much as men earn in the business sector, with even some are earning more? The common belief that men should earn more than women has been disbanded by women who rose to power and did well for themselves.

It is inspiring to know the many facts about women who own their business in this new age and era. Despite building a new business, some from scratch, requires so much hard work, coming up with novel ideas, and massive discipline, women pushed through and beyond that and have proven that they are equal regardless of the sector with men.

In fact, in a recent statistical finding, there are 9.1 million women out there who own businesses, employing nearly 7.9 million people. That number alone describes the gravity of how women are empowered to work not only for their families but also for themselves, to discover their true potential and be the best that they can be. Who knew women would become as powerful as men?

That is just one of the many statistical findings proving women-owned businesses have become common in our growing and diverse society, where the old norm has been replaced with a new status quo. We have gathered together and placed the facts about women-owned business into one infographic. It is easier to understand why women have started to rise into power when the data is in one place.

Check out the eye-catching graphic below and be empowered by the pioneer women who changed our history. You might be one of them someday.

7 Incredible Facts About Women Owned Businesses