How can I assess myself, my idea, my business or my non-profit organization?
“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” Sun Tzu, Art of War
@WomensBizCoop, unlike other organizations that are focused on your idea to the aspects of starting, launching and expanding an organization, we believe that you and your unique purpose are the secrets of your success.
Assessing your self, your competitors, and your organization can help you win before you even begin.
We offer 3 different types of assessments: Individual, Organizational, and WBC Exclusive!
1. Individual Assessments:
Know your strengths and areas of improvement as a leader.
Build high-performance teams based on self-development and a culture of continuous improvement.
Create an engaged and learning culture with lower turnover.
Implement better systems.
Want to learn more about our Individual Assessments? Read about them here.
Want to learn more about our Sales IQ Assessment? Read about it here.
Ever wondered if coaching is right for you?
Learn more about what coaching is, your return on investment, and why everyone benefits from having a coach in their lives.
What Makes a Leader? by Daniel Goleman Deloitte Global Leadership Forecast 2014|2015 Sherpa Coaching 2016 Corporate Culture Survey The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey MetrixGlobal Study: 689% Return on Investment in Executive Coaching
YES to Abundance Coaching!
2. Organizational Assessments: our Vital 10 and Vital 33 are based off of methodology used by the Best Workplaces in America.
Figure out what’s really going in your organization.
Get anonymous input from all of your employees and teams.
Change why your organization has so many problems.
Understand how to continuously improve your organization.
3. WBC Exclusive Assessments: exclusive 6 main types of assessments for businesses and non-profits to see your whole picture of your new or existing organization.
Examine your idea or current organization in the 6 following areas: Brand, Marketing, Culture, Operations, Model and Funding.
Learn who is the best fit at your organizational Culture and how to work better in your Operations.
Promote your organization better through consistent Branding and agile Marketing funnels.
Discover why your Model and Funding streams aren’t working.
PwC’s 19th Annual Global CEO Survey
The Chief Strategy Officer by R. Timothy S. Breene, Paul Nunes, Walter E. Shill
Looking for CSO to take you to the next level? Read More
Looking for greater clarity? Add an Individual Debrief.
Desiring to make an organizational shift? Get an Individual Debrief plus get everyone on board with Group Coaching.
Leverage your advantages by investing in our Individual, Organizational and WBC Exclusive Assessments today!
1. Individual Assessments
Want to learn more about our Individual Assessments? Read about them here.
Want to learn more about our Sales IQ Assessment? Read about it here.
2. Individual Assessments with Individual Debrief
Curious about what your Individual Assessment results really mean? Schedule a 60 minute Individual Debrief to figure out why you are sabotaging your own success.
3. Individual Assessments with Individual Debrief & Group Coaching
Ready to get your team on the same page? Purchase an Individual Assessment for each team member to discover why they aren’t as proactive and productive. Schedule an Individual Debrief for every member for personalized clarity and insights. Then add a 60 minute Group Coaching session for your team to catalyze new changes in your organization.
Learning & Development, Training, Facilitation, and Coaching of your team?!
You don’t have to do it all! Save yourself time and money to devote more energy to the strategy and success of your organization.
4. Organizational Assessments
Desire to be the Best Workplace? Our unique Organizational Assessments, Vital 10 and Vital 33, are designed to help you see why your organization is full of high fives, team victories, and constant sales referrals.
5. Organizational Assessments with CEO Debrief
Interested about what your Organization Assessment results say about your organization? Schedule a 60 minute CEO Debrief to figure out why your organization isn’t the best place to work.
6. Organizational Assessments with Individual Debrief & Group Coaching
Ready to get your team on the same page? Purchase for an Organizational Assessment for each team member to discover what they really think about your organization. Schedule an Individual Debrief for every member for venting breakdowns to breakthroughs. Add a 60 minute Group Coaching session for your team to move forward with competence and confidence.
Don’t be left in the dark. Figure out what’s really going on in your organization without staying up late night racking your brain on how to improve it.
Invest in your own peace of mind today.
7. Our @WomensBizCoop Exclusive Assessments
So you know that something’s not right? What is it?
Is it your image, look and feel of your organization?
Is your funnel stagnating due to technology changes?
Is there in-fighting, political conflict and turnover on the rise?
Are your systems slowing down your delivery?
Is your business model out-dated?
Are your funding streams drying up?