Hi Leader,
Thank you to all of our leaders in our Women’s Biz Coop membership network!
You are all so bold and courageous leaders!
We are so immensely grateful for you.
You work for long hours, tirelessly serving your communities. You can be the on the marketing team, HR, operations, or even the after hours cleaning team.
You put in more time, money, and effort and often don’t feel equal support.
Which is why we are here for you.
We are offering you a chance to increase your impact through our Community Partnerships, to generate an everlasting stream of passive income, and ensure the sustainable future of your organization.
Because we believe that your organization has qualities and values that align with our own, we would like to offer you the opportunity to sign on as a Community Partner for the #StartMyBusinessToday Program in exchange for your promotion and support.
The benefits for your organization are as follows:
1. One $267 YOYO Scholarship for one lucky member.
2. Your link (or logo) featured on our connections on our 10+ websites.
3. Promotion on our 10+ social media channels and emails.
4. Promotion of your Program (or website) via our email newsletter.
5. Individuals you refer will receive a 10% discount on chosen program.
Expectations as a Community Partner:
1. Promote our Program(s) to your network through social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.)
2. Promote our Program(s) via email newsletter by sending out an invitation to your members.
3. List our Program on your website under Resources, Partners or equivalent.
Everyone benefits from starting an organization!
Often Community Partners will ask their members to donate 10% of profits back to their organization, which offers your organization a continual stream of donations.
If you are interested, please hit Reply with your name, company, and contact information, and we will contact you with further details about our marketing materials. No need to create additional social media campaigns for your organization.
Yours in Service,
Judi and the Imagine Team
Top Woman Innovator, Award-Winning Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant
“Be the leader that you seek…Love a better world.”
Think. Believe. Do. at: https;//womensbizcoop.com
Who is Judi Rhee Alloway? at: https://judirheealloway.com
P.S.: Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of your calling? You are in the right place at the right time! Now grab our Abundance Free Gift Kit so you don’t stray from your path.