Hi Leader,

How are you? How are you feeling?

At our award-winning Women’s Biz Coop, our WBC Directors are calling many of you who gave us phone numbers to hear you and your voice ~ only to listen, be there for you, problem-solve with you, suggest free to low-cost resources, and support you during these challenging times.

We hear YOU! On Zoom, we see YOU! We are giving you virtual Conference Call and Zoom hugs and lots of love…Open up and let it all in… <3

In the United States? If you or someone you know hasn’t gotten a call from us and would like one, please Reply with your name, phone, email, state of residence, and the best time to reach you to connect with a local WBC Director.

Judi and our Imagine Team will call you for a complimentary 15-minute coaching session. Due to the sheer number and volume of calls, we can only spend 15 minutes with you, but you can book as many complimentary sessions as you need.

OR outside of the U.S.? If you would like to connect with us and have access to the internet, we’d love to have a complimentary 15-minute Zoom audio session with you. If you or someone you know hasn’t connected and would like one, please Reply with your name, phone, email, time zone, country of residence to connect, and best local time to reach you. Due to the time differences, we might be available during your preferred time or we’ll email you to find a more mutual time spot.

We have some good news! We have a new member of the Women’s Biz Coop family to announce!

Introducing Dana Magnus, CEO/Creative Branding & Marketing Strategist of The MKTG Brand, Speaker, Retreat Host, and Movement Leader!

Dana Magnus leads her tribe with mission-driven marketing while changing the world aligning with Ethical Business Leaders & the B Corporation Movements.

Efficiency and planning are her jam. She loves asking challenging questions in order to create a marketing plan that empowers you to sell the human way & believes that all businesses can be used as a force for good.

Dana Magnus thrives when working with socially conscious entrepreneurs who have a specific calling, encouraging them to share parts of themselves and what they care about on social media, in their networking activities, and across all brand & marketing touch points through #MISSIONDRIVENMARKETING.

With her direction, you’ll develop the confidence to share your vision and blossom into a trustworthy, profitable leader of a movement.

Instead of shouldering all of the work, Dana will teach you how marketing works in today’s world and help you set up a sustainable system that effectively reaches your customers while still staying true to you.

“I met with Dana at a coffee shop. After we spoke for a while, I knew her passion mirrored mine and Women’s Business Coop’s. She was dynamic, driven, and sure of who she was. She also knew she wanted to do more. On her page, Dana said she wanted to lead by example, and change the world. She wants to create a stronger connection between businesses and in doing that, the community grows.

When I read, “Don’t market to sell stuff. Market to cultivate community”, I knew then we really were destined to become partners in changing the way the world perceives businesses. Entrepreneurs can help the community grow, and we can help them shine.”

– Felicia Simmons, Women’s Biz Coop ORD Director

Her Ethical Marketing Planning Retreat (originally scheduled for April 15) has been postponed to Fall 2020. Subscribe to Dana Magnus to stay updated on her event and learn more about her and The MKTG Brand.

We are so grateful for all of our friends and front-line, essential employees: first responders, grocery stores clerks, sanitation and utility personnel, warehouse workers, delivery folks, nurses, doctors, EMTs, civil service workers, farmers, pharmaceutical personnel, mail carriers, truckers, state government employees, military personnel, bank tellers, non-profit leaders, and journalists.

To rest of you, thank you for staying home, staying safe, and staying healthy!

Much Miracles and Love,


Top Woman Innovator, Award-Winning Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant
“Be the leader that you seek…Love a better world.”

Think. Believe. Do. at: https;//womensbizcoop.com
Who is Judi Rhee Alloway? at: https://judirheealloway.com

P.S.: Want your news and events featured in our WBC newsletter? Email us and become a WBC Community Partner today!

P.S.S.: We’ve curated COVID-19 Resources to find free food, healthcare, help for small business and non-profit organizations, if available in your state. If you have more information and links, please email us at info@womensbizcoop.com