Hi Aspiring Entrepreneur,

Do you feel that you’ve been destined to help others by starting an organization?

Who would you help?

How would your life, theirs, and your community change?

You’ve seen your friends and family completely change their lives, why not you?

You know that this is your next step, yet you’d rather work with a group of people than do it by yourself.

Who can you turn to help you?

How about a top woman innovator, coach, and Minority Business Leader, who will help you develop both professional and personally?

Don’t believe us?

“Hi Everyone!! I am happy to say that I have lots to share with you! In a few weeks, it will be the one year anniversary of being funded through your generosity. As I reflect back on one heck of a year, I realize how so much has changed (for the good) and oh how I’ve grown!  Immediately after the campaign, I went full steam ahead! As you can imagine, like every entrepreneur, I experienced ups and downs on my journey but I always remained hopeful and determined to accomplish what I believe I am put on this earth to do. I am pleased to share that I in less than one year later, I am now working in a Philadelphia Public School as a dance teacher serving over 400 students each week! When I started the campaign I would’ve never dreamed that my vision would become a reality so soon! My students are underprivileged children in a low income community and desperately need dance everyday to express themselves and help build character and discipline. My days are exhausting and super challenging but I get rewarded when I see even one student grow a little from the day before. Even though I presently am working as an employee of the schools and not under my non-profit organization right now, the same work that I set out to accomplish is being done. I am also learning so much that will make the organization even better when it is time to fully launch. Once again, I THANK YOU each and every one of you for being apart of such and whirlwind of a year for me and giving me the confidence to live my dreams! As I continue to repay you each month, I remember how each of you believed in me and encouraged me to spread my wings and fly!”

K, teacher and non-profit president, Philadelphia, PA

We are so delighted that you’ll start your organization, business, or non-profit, that you are doing this for yourself and others that we are offering a limited time special bonus.

Successfully complete #StartMyBusinessToday, we’ll give you back 10% of your tuition!

We hope that you’ll join us for the special offer that we’ve put together for you!

Why aren’t you sharing your gifts with the world?



Look at what others had to say about their experiences on our #StartMyBusinessToday website.

Questions? Email us info@startmybusinesstoday.com

We hope to seed and invest in your community! Thank you for helping us reach our goal more than 1,000 organizations.

Yours in service,


Judi & the Imagine Team

Top Woman Innovator, Award-Winning Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant
“Be the leader that you seek… Love a better world.”

Dream. Plan. Fund. at: https://startmybusinesstoday.com
Who is Judi Rhee Alloway? at: https://judirheealloway.com

P.S. Looking for motivation? Get our Free Gift Kit 2
1) Facebook Network Invitation
2) #ViewFromHere Social Media Challenge
3) Limited Time Special Offer

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