Dear aspiring and current entrepreneurs,

How’s your Sales Funnel?
Where do you lose potential customers?
In #StartMyBusinessToday, we brainstorm your sales funnel. From idea to first sale, we set you up for success in 2 ways: professionally and personally. The @WomensBizCoop community is there for you.
Hear from some of our clients:
“I just made 3 $$$ in my first sale!”
                                                            L., Philadelphia, PA.
“I just signed my publishing agreement!”
                                                            C., Yardley, PA.
Besides the technical aspects of starting a business, we are here to help you change psychologically to make more money and live more abundantly.

Fine tune your Sales Funnel!
A. Apply to our No Cost Early Action Scholarship. You’ll have the opportunity to take 10 of your family and friends with you for a total of up to $50,000 in seed money. And the Scholarship Option extends to all of their family and friends as well.
B. We invite existing businesses to contact us to schedule a complimentary 15-minute session to go over your WBC Business Marketing Assessment results.
Apply today! Our classes start soon on 8/31/15
We hope to seed and invest in your community!
-Judi and the Imagine Team