Dear aspiring and current entrepreneurs,
How’s your Sales Funnel?
Where do you lose potential customers?
In #StartMyBusinessToday, we brainstorm your sales funnel. From idea to first sale, we set you up for success in 2 ways: professionally and personally. The @WomensBizCoop community is there for you.
Hear from some of our clients:
“I just made 3 $$$ in my first sale!”
L., Philadelphia, PA.
“I just signed my publishing agreement!”
C., Yardley, PA.
Besides the technical aspects of starting a business, we are here to help you change psychologically to make more money and live more abundantly.
Fine tune your Sales Funnel!
We invite existing businesses to contact us at to schedule a complimentary 15-minute session to go over your WBC Business Marketing Assessment results.
Apply today!
We hope to seed and invest in your community!
-Judi and the Imagine Team