Dear Leader,

Anxious because you aren’t getting the most out of life?

Maybe this could be easier? Perhaps something could be simpler?

And surely you could have more freedom for your leisure and enjoyment?

Why not break the cycle?

“I am in a place where my business is shifting. I have been listening to my heart and to a feeling that I need to re-articulate my business. I need to bounce back all my ideas — what I have done, and what keeps showing up. I feel it is time to pull together a clear and concise version of what I offer. I am looking to bounce and massage these ideas to give form to a new path. I not looking to create a business plan or marketing plan yet. I need to get clarity and focus.

I thought of you because of your marketing experience and your world view. It seems that when I talk to other peeps, they all have a particular personal way they think I should go. All good intentions but one-sided. I know you are super busy and if you don’t have the time, I totally understand. If you are interested, let me know your availability…and we can take it from there.”

D. Author, PA

What you would do with your time and money without tending to your organization?

Thank you for taking the risk!

Yours in Service,
Judi and the Imagine Team
Top Woman Innovator, Award-Winning Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant
“Be the leader that you seek…Love a better world.”

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P.S.: Get more information:
1. Organizational Success Chart
2. Chief Strategy Officer Details
3. Strategic Planning Event Checklist
4. Complimentary 15 Minute Discovery Session